
Welcome to My New Blog

  • My First Blog Post

    30th Jul 2019 by

    Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.


    4th Nov 2019 by

    You find some good images on the web that would look good on your site.  You copy and paste them to your blog. It would be unethical to just copy and paste someone else’s work. I will seek permission for copyright from the publisher, to re-use that. According to me, I will be inspired by… Read more

  • Broad Research/ Project Interest Area.

    29th Oct 2019 by

    Short description of the area of IT that interests you (explain it to me!)Big Data in social media.Nowadays, social media plays a pivotal role in this modern technology. I would like to figure out the data aggregation methods , latency and resolution for that as well, in social media. Why is it interesting to youBecause,… Read more

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